Unprocessed Emotions Shape Our Physical Well-being
Written by: Selysa Love
Emotions are energy in motion throughout our whole bodies. They are meant to stay in motion, to be felt and experienced, and then they release. Unprocessed emotions eventually get stuck in the body and lead to physical health conditions. Our emotional and physical well-being are deeply intertwined.
Every emotion carries a message, and by allowing ourselves to feel them, we open ourselves to understanding and growth. Anger may indicate an unmet boundary, sadness signals a need to grieve, and joy may reveal our authentic desires.
Consider Sarah, who didn’t know how to release her resentment and pain from her previous abusive relationship. Over time, she developed chronic pain in her shoulders and digestive issues, physically reflecting the emotional burden she carried.
Suppressing or ignoring emotions leads to their entrapment within our bodies, causing blockages, disrupting energy flow, and physical health ailments.
Instead, we must listen to emotions as messengers. We must acknowledge their presence, sit with them, and feel them, which allows them to be released.
But wait a second, did no one ever teach you how to do that? Well that’s why we are super thrilled to share this gift with you! We’ve been developing and implementing this framework of emotional release as a path to freedom with our clients for years.
We’ve seen so many lives changed by this, we want as many people as possible to have this tool. Giving this away is a part of our mission to uplift every individual to heal from the inside out.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Emotional Release Journaling Guide
A simple practice you can use over and over again, whenever you need.
Easily move from stuck, numb, afraid, and overwhelmed into calm and grounded.
Discover emotions that are in your body, address their root cause, and let them go.