Third Eye → Intuition

Written by: Selysa Love

"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."

- W.B. Yeats

Expand Your Intuitive Eye

Known as "the seat of intuition", the third eye chakra relates to spiritual perception & awareness. It is your inner guidance. When we think about someone who has a "sixth sense", we might think of a psychic or medium, but everyone has the ability to sharpen their psychic senses.

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and is related to the color indigo. It is referred to as Ajna in Sanskrit, which translates to 'command' or 'perceive'. Your perception creates your reality; your third eye creates your perception.

This spiritual center is physically located between the eyebrows toward the center of the forehead. It correlates to the pituitary and pineal gland, which is responsible for producing Melatonin and regulating your circadian rhythm.

When the third eye is underactive, you might have a narrow mind or a lack of imagination. You might also experience physical impairments, like poor eyesight or migraines.

If your third eye is overactive, you may adopt a self-righteous point of view and suffer from overthinking. You might also experience paranoia, nightmares, or hallucinations.

A blocked third eye chakra may be expressed as feeling detached from a greater sense of purpose.

However, when the third eye is balanced and managed properly, you are calm, wise, and have a healthy sense of non-attachment to material things. You may also have a strong ability to recall dreams and recognize patterns and symbolism. 

How Can I Balance My Third Eye Chakra?

Tune Out: One of the best ways to learn to listen to your inner voice is to push pause on input from others. This may look like a one week detox from social media, television, radio, books, podcasts, news outlets, etc. This may be a scary suggestion, but our clients who have been courageous enough to do it have had tremendous results.

Daily Meditation: Meditation is another fantastic way to still your mind and listen to the wisdom of your body. If you have never meditated before, you don't have to try it on your own. Listen to a guided mediation like this one, or like this one, from our founder Selysa Love.

Get A Reiki Session: Sometimes there is just way too much chitter chatter going on in the third eye, and professional help is needed to clear that old energy out. Our Reiki therapists are here for you.

Book a Session Here


Crown Chakra → Spiritual Connection


Throat Chakra → Authentic Expression