What is a Reiki Healing Session Like?

Written by: Selysa Love

Are you thinking about booking a reiki healing session, but all the woo-woo on the internet still has you confused as to what actually happens during such an experience? This article is here to enlighten you as to what is physically and energetically going on in a reiki healing session so you can decide if it sounds like something you’d like to do!

Initial Consultation

All reiki healing sessions begin with a conversation between the recipient (you), and the reiki therapist. The therapist may ask questions about what is going on for you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The more honest you are, the more your practitioner can help you. You may also be asked your preferences, like if you want music, if you are comfortable being physically touched and where, and if you’d like lots of pillows or no pillows at all.

Clearing of the Aura

The reiki therapist may clear your aura using a tool such as: sage, a crystal, incense, reiki energy, or palo santo. This is done with you standing with your arms out, and the clearing tool going around your bio magnetic field. This means that it won’t touch your skin, but just hover around your skin on all parts of the body.

Getting Comfortable

You will then lie down on a reiki table, which is the same as a massage table. Typically, you lie on your back, or you may also lay on your side or stomach if that is more comfortable. You keep your clothes on, so wear something comfortable. The reiki therapist will see to it that you are as comfortable as possible, giving you any pillows, blankets, music, or dim lighting that you need to completely relax.

Deep Relaxation

This is the good part. Now you get to do nothing and receive. The reiki therapist will start to channel reiki (universal life force, unconditional love) to go through them and into you. The therapist may lay their hands on various locations of your body if you have granted permission. Or, they may hover their hands above your body. It is common for the recipient to experience sensations of energy moving, flowing, and shifting throughout the body. Some people feel a sense of peace and calm in their whole body and mind. Almost everyone feels a sense of deep relaxation. The practitioner also may dictate a guided meditation for you to follow, or they may give you an intention to breathe with. If you want to tell something to the practitioner, such as discussing a sensation, or you are too cold, do speak up and tell your reiki therapist. When the reiki session is complete, the practitioner will let you know.

Waking Up Slowly

After you have deeply relaxed for the duration of your session, usually 30-90 minutes, you will have the opportunity to slowly awaken. Stretch out on the table, feel if you’ve had any internal shifts, observe what part of you is still the same.

Closing Conversation

You and the reiki therapist get a brief moment to share anything that either of you experienced during the session. This is optional, and may provide greater insights and help the therapist guide your next session.

If this sounds like exactly what you need, go ahead and book your appointment here.


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